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50 Questions and Answers on Biotechnology

  1. What is biotechnology?
    • The application of biological systems, organisms, or derivatives to develop products or processes for specific uses.
  2. What is genetic engineering?
    • The manipulation of an organism’s genetic material to achieve desired traits.
  3. What is a genetically modified organism (GMO)?
    • An organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques.
  4. What is recombinant DNA technology?
    • The process of combining DNA molecules from different sources to create genetically modified organisms or produce specific proteins.
  5. What is cloning?
    • The production of genetically identical copies of a cell, organism, or DNA fragment.
  6. What is gene editing?
    • The precise alteration of a specific DNA sequence within an organism’s genome using molecular tools such as CRISPR-Cas9.
  7. What is PCR (polymerase chain reaction)?
    • A laboratory technique used to amplify and make copies of a specific DNA sequence.
  8. What is gene therapy?
    • The introduction of genetic material into a patient’s cells to treat or prevent genetic disorders.
  9. What is DNA sequencing?
    • The process of determining the precise order of nucleotides within a DNA molecule.
  10. What is synthetic biology?
    • The design and construction of new biological parts, devices, and systems for specific applications.
  11. What is bioinformatics?
    • The field of science that combines biology, computer science, and information technology to analyze and interpret biological data.
  12. What is a plasmid?
    • A small, circular DNA molecule found in bacteria that can replicate independently of the chromosomal DNA.
  13. What is a vector in biotechnology?
    • A DNA molecule, such as a plasmid or virus, used to carry foreign genetic material into a host cell.
  14. What is a restriction enzyme?
    • An enzyme that cuts DNA at specific recognition sequences, often used in genetic engineering to create recombinant DNA molecules.
  15. What is a transgene?
    • A gene that has been artificially introduced into the genome of an organism.
  16. What is gene expression?
    • The process by which information from a gene is used to synthesize a functional gene product, such as protein or RNA.
  17. What is a genetically modified crop?
    • A plant whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques to exhibit desirable traits, such as pest resistance or increased yield.
  18. What is a bioreactor?
    • A controlled environment used for the growth of microorganisms or cells under specific conditions for the production of biological products.
  19. What is fermentation?
    • The metabolic process by which microorganisms convert sugars into acids, gases, or alcohol in the absence of oxygen.
  20. What is tissue engineering?
    • The field of biotechnology that involves the development of artificial tissues and organs for medical applications.
  21. What is pharmacogenomics?
    • The study of how genetic variations affect individual responses to drugs.
  22. What is agricultural biotechnology?
    • The application of biotechnology to improve agricultural practices and enhance crop production.
  23. What is environmental biotechnology?
    • The application of biotechnology to address environmental issues such as pollution remediation and waste management.
  24. What is industrial biotechnology?
    • The use of biological systems or organisms to produce industrial products, chemicals, or fuels.
  25. What is DNA fingerprinting?
    • A technique used to identify individuals based on unique patterns in their DNA.
  26. What is a GMO crop?
    • A crop that has been genetically modified to exhibit desirable traits, such as pest resistance or increased yield.
  27. What is a transgenic organism?
    • An organism that contains one or more genes from another species that have been artificially introduced into its genome.
  28. What is micropropagation?
    • The process of rapidly producing large numbers of identical plants from a single parent plant using tissue culture techniques.
  29. What is gene silencing?
    • The process of inhibiting the expression of a specific gene using techniques such as RNA interference.
  30. What is antisense technology?
    • The use of complementary nucleic acid sequences to inhibit the expression of a specific gene.
  31. What is a gene bank?
    • A repository that stores and preserves genetic material, such as DNA samples or seed collections, for research and conservation purposes.
  32. What is gene doping?
    • The illicit use of gene therapy techniques to enhance athletic performance.
  33. What is phytoremediation?
    • The use of plants to remove or detoxify environmental pollutants from soil, water, or air.
  34. What is proteomics?
    • The study of the structure, function, and interactions of proteins within a biological system.
  35. What is metabolomics?
    • The study of the complete set of small molecules (metabolites) within a biological sample.
  36. What is gene drive?
    • A genetic engineering technique that biases the inheritance of a particular gene to spread rapidly through a population.
  37. What is precision agriculture?
    • The use of advanced technologies, including biotechnology, to optimize agricultural practices and resource management.
  38. What is biofuel production?
    • The use of biological materials, such as crops or microorganisms, to produce renewable fuels such as ethanol or biodiesel.
  39. What is genetic counseling?
    • The process of providing information and support to individuals and families about genetic conditions, inheritance patterns, and testing options.
  40. What is xenotransplantation?
    • The transplantation of organs, tissues, or cells from one species to another, often using genetically modified donor animals.
  41. What is biopharming?
    • The production of pharmaceuticals, vaccines, or other therapeutic proteins using genetically engineered plants or animals.
  42. What is metagenomics?
    • The study of genetic material recovered directly from environmental samples, such as soil or water, to analyze microbial communities.
  43. What is DNA barcoding?
    • The use of short, standardized DNA sequences to identify species and track biodiversity.
  44. What is synthetic genomics?
    • The design and synthesis of entire genomes or large DNA sequences for research or industrial applications.
  45. What is CRISPR-Cas9?
    • A revolutionary gene-editing tool that allows precise modification of DNA sequences.
  46. What is personalized medicine?
    • Medical treatment tailored to an individual’s genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environment.
  47. What is bioinformatics?
    • The field of science that combines biology, computer science, and information technology to analyze and interpret biological data.
  48. What is epigenetics?
    • The study of heritable changes in gene expression or cellular phenotype that are not caused by changes in the DNA sequence itself.
  49. What is stem cell therapy?
    • The use of stem cells to treat or prevent diseases and injuries by replacing damaged or diseased tissues.
  50. What is a biopesticide?
    • A pesticide derived from natural materials such as plants, bacteria, or fungi, often used in organic farming or integrated pest management strategies.

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